1. Pray for Haiti

We ask for continued prayers for the Country of Haiti, our Disciples’ Village families, missionaries still on the ground and for those still being held hostage. Doing ministry in Haiti is a difficult task under the best of circumstances. During times like this with all the civil unrest, gang activities as well as supply and fuel shortages, doing ministry becomes even more difficult. Our staff faces daily struggles to find the supplies needed and due to the lack of propane, they are now cooking with charcoal. There is a month’s worth of food supply on hand with plans to buy another month’s supply in the coming days. Additionally, gasoline and diesel are nearly impossible to find, but we are so thankful to have diesel in our storage tanks that allows for travel when needed.



2. The Gospel is Still Going Forward

Despite hindered travel for the American staff, ministry efforts at DV are still moving forward daily! We are 100% committed to the call God has laid before us and work diligently to see that our staff in Haiti are well equipped. The following are highlights of what’s happening in Haiti over the last month: 1) Alex’s House and DV staff are handling the day-to-day operations of the ministry. In particular, the house parents at Alex’s House continue to do an amazing job of loving, protecting and raising our Alex’s House kids. 2) DV schools are open and continue to educate and feed our students. The only exception is our School in Dahl. Due to conflict, Dahl is not in session until this gets resolved. 3) DV pastors continue to conduct their weekly Wednesday meetings, however, most of the time that’s done virtually. 4)The Gospel continues to be proclaimed in our churches and throughout our villages. 5) Sewing lessons continue in Shersty’s absence. 5) Bible studies are on-going. We’re seeing people grow in their faith and others receiving God’s gift of salvation!


3. Remote Bible Study Underway  

Our Pastoral Training Director, Greg Estes got creative when he realized traveling to Haiti was going to have extended delays. In an effort to stay connected, Greg kicked off a remote Bible study on Zoom with the young men who reside in the transition house. The guys chose Thursday at 8 p.m. EST to be the meeting day and time to meet regularly.  The first meeting involved a series of questions:  1) What Is My Calling? 2) What is my purpose?  3) Why am I even on the earth?  The group talked about their “General Calling” and “Specific Callings”.  This is a time Greg can touch base weekly to encourage the guys and help keep them in God’s Word!


Pictured Left to Right: Mickey, Remy, LP and Wilkins


4. Alex’s House Sponsorships Needed

We are still in need of sponsors for our Alex’s House Children. Each child needs a total of 5 sponsors: 1 daily bread, 1 education and 3 life skill (college/professional education) sponsors. With the circumstances being as they are in Haiti; child sponsorships are so important, and it is one way that you can make a huge difference in the life of our AH children! The following link will take you directly to the children in need of sponsorships. You may also reach out directly to Steve Haddix at Steve@disciplesvillage.org with questions.



5. 2021 Corporate Sponsors

We would like to give special recognition to our 2021 corporate sponsors for their generous support to the ministry at Disciples’ Village! Without the donations of these businesses, it would be impossible to do all that God has called us to do here in Haiti! If you can utilize the services of our partnering sponsors, please support them as they continue to support the work we are doing here in Haiti!


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