Our Story
Moving to Haiti was not something Bill Howard ever considered.
But just before the earthquake in 2010, God clearly directed the senior pastor of 25 years to “move to Haiti and start an orphanage.” Bill began to pray and research next steps. Five weeks after the initial directive from God, he visited Haiti for the first time and met three extraordinary men; brothers Jimmy and Patrick Georges, and their beloved friend, Alex Alincy. Little did they know at the time that God had given Bill and Alex the exact same vision for rescuing homeless children.
On January 12, 2010, one month after these men made the decision to start the orphanage, a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti killing over 300,000 and leaving multitudes homeless, hungry, and orphaned. Of those killed was our dear friend, Alex Alincy. Alex’s House Orphanage was born in February 2010, and named in his memory.
As the orphanage began to take in and raise children, it became evident that the tiny Port-au-Prince home that housed them wasn’t sufficient. Prayers were made and funds were raised to build on property in Kaliko, 33 miles north of Port-au-Prince. 30 children, plus house parents and staff, moved into a beautiful new campus in September of 2012 after 12 months of intensive labor. It was a grand day!
As the children settled into a safer and more adequate home, Bill and the rest of the staff became burdened by the needs of the surrounding villages. He saw multitudes with no access to clean water, children with no education and therefore no hope of escaping the cycle of poverty, and parents with few opportunities to find work to support their families. Above all was the apparent need for the light of Jesus Christ to pierce the spiritual darkness that pervades Haiti.
Over the years, Alex’s House became more than an orphanage.
The team began to minister in the villages and through local churches. Mission groups joined us on the ground, helping with medical clinics, Bible schools, life skills training, and food distribution. A Pastor’s Training Program was added, along with special training events for those who led worship and children’s programs.
In the fall of 2015, God gave us a new and expanded ministry. Our initial calling was to change the lives of 33 children. Our present calling is one that will change the lives of thousands.
In January of this year, with the support of partnering churches from the States, we took the next steps to begin intensive ministry in the villages throughout Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Our goal is Village Advancement through the Gospel of Jesus.
Welcome to Disciples’ Village.