Carl Lumpkin and his family have been involved with Disciples’ Village since it’s beginning, in many different ways. But in January 2022, Carl added another role with DV – as a corporate sponsor with his company, Veteran Disability Solutions.
Carl explained how his company helps others. “As a military Veteran, I personally experienced the frustration, red tape and bureaucracy of the Veteran’s Administration (VA) disability claims process for over 6 years. I discovered the most important aspect of the process is to understand the mechanics of it. Through research, I learned over 80% of our Nation’s Veterans are underrated by the VA. So, I started my company two years ago, focused on helping coach fellow Veterans through the claims process and equipping and educating them with knowledge and confidence to navigate it successfully! To date, our Clients have had a 97% positive outcome! It is my passion and privilege to serve and coach every Client as if were our own claim. We are changing the lives of Veterans, one at a time!”
Carl was previously Co-Fundraising Director and now serves as Financial Director for Disciples’ Village, and both of his children have served as summer interns. They have all visited Haiti numerous times. He shared that his family’s experiences in Haiti have radically changed so many aspects of their faith, worldview and dynamics as a family. And that seeing this ministry pour into the lives of so many of their brothers and sisters in Haiti, is something he and his family are very grateful for.
When asked why his company became a corporate sponsor, he said that a part of God’s blessing is to be a blessing to others. Carl Lumpkin exemplifies that, and we’re very grateful to him for joining our corporate sponsor team.
If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact marilyn@disciplesvillage.org for more information.
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