1. DV School Feeding Program Helps Decrease Malnutrition

As the school year ended, Ms. Andremene, our DV nurse was busy finalizing end of year heights and weights for our students. This allows us to trend the student’s weight and monitor their growth. If any of our students show signs of malnutrition, the village pastors along with the nurse check in on the families during the summer to see if they have food to eat. Each year we have seen improvements in our student’s health and overall malnutrition declining. A special thanks goes out to every one of our sponsors who make feeding our students a daily meal possible. Your generosity and support provide life changing opportunities for our students! Thank you!!!



2. Alex’s House Staff Unite in Prayer Weekly

Our Alex’s House staff started meeting weekly to pray and encourage one another. Uniting with other believers in times of difficulty can be such a catalyst for strength and resolve in challenging times. The staff are intentionally praying for our kids at AH, the country of Haiti, and the DV ministry. The ladies meet each Monday, and the men meet every Thursday for prayer. This is such a great time for building community as they lift each other up in prayer.



3. Counseling Support Provided for AH Children

As our AH kids get older the need to offer support to these youngsters is becoming more evident. Processing issues of life are normal for everyone, and we are taking steps to offer space for our kids to do that. Pastor Leclerc, who has training as a counselor to families and children, has been meeting weekly with our Alex’s House kids. They discuss tragic events from our kids’ lives, sexual purity, and any abandonment pain they may be experiencing. Pastor Leclerc is our village pastor in Mayard, and we are so thankful to have him serve our kids in this way. Emotional health is so important, and we want to help our kids grow up to be healthy, stable, well-rounded adults.



4. Opportunities to Serve Haitians in the Dominican Republic

During the time while travel to Haiti has been hindered, Shersty Stanton has been serving alongside the Davis family in the DR. She has had some unique opportunities to translate for Haitian women in a pregnancy program located in one of the more impoverished parts of Santiago! Each week women come for lessons on pregnancy or beginning of life topics, vitamins, referrals for sonograms or labor and delivery. Sometimes they share thoughts about a verse of scripture they’ve heard. Shersty speaks great Creole and has been able to talk through many difficult life circumstances with several of the women. God also keeps placing other young, pregnant Haitian women whose families have disowned them into Shersty’s path. We look forward to seeing how God continues to work in these various situations.


5. Weekly Zoom Bible Study Continues with Older Guys

Pastoral Training Director, Greg Estes continues to facilitate weekly Bible study with the guys in the transition house. With travel to Haiti being on hold for our American missionaries, staying connected via technology is the next best thing. What started out as Greg leading the calls and teaching has slowly evolved into the guys taking the lead to discuss various lessons and dissect scripture for deeper meaning and life application! This has served as a lifeline for maintaining long-distance relationships and continued growth in the Lord.


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