1. Jerry Jean Graduates College!

We are so proud to share that Jerry is the first of our Alex’s House youth to graduate from college.  Jerry received his degree in Business Administration at Group Olivier Collaborateur University in Port au Prince. In 2021, he will begin working full-time as an Associate to Bill Howard learning the ins and outs of ministry at Disciples’ Village. He’s incredibly talented and has a great heart for Jesus! We’re very proud of him and look forward to seeing all the Lord has planned for his life!



2. Alex’s House Children in Need of Sponsorships

We have kids at Alex’s House that need sponsors. From the very beginning of Alex’s House, we have been blessed with sponsors who have been faithful and generous in their giving. Each of our children need a total of 5 sponsors: 1 for education, 1 for daily bread and 3 for life skills (college or trade school). As time has gone by and situations have changed, we now have opportunities for new sponsors to partner our AH Kids! Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to love and disciple our children. 


Alex’s House Sponsorship Link



3. Healthier Outcomes Associated with Healthy Moms Healthy Babies Ministry

We are pleased to announce the birth of Samuel Nazaire in the village of Dahl! Samuel was born healthy at Hospital Reforme in November. Samuel’s mother is doing great as well! The HMHB Ministry makes it possible for expecting mothers to have access to pre-natal vitamins, regular check-ups, post-natal care for both mom and baby as well as vaccinations for babies. Most importantly, mothers have the opportunity to deliver in the hospital setting where they are properly equipped to handle potential birth related emergencies. A big thank you to those who invest in this ministry. Without you, these success stories would not be possible!



4. Bethlehem Baptist Church Hosts Sponsorship Sunday

Bethlehem Baptist Church led by Bro. Cliffton Sullivan hosted a sponsorship Sunday for the village of Lanzac, November 29th and it was a huge success! We are proud to announce a total of 29 sponsorship commitments for Lanzac! We are halfway to the necessary goal for implementing the feeding program in the Lanzac school! If you feel led to sponsor a child in the feeding program you may do so through the following link.


Lanzac Sponsorship Link



5. Give A Christmas Gift to the Children of Haiti

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s that special time when we are focused on giving to those in need. Will you consider making a donation that will help bring the light of Jesus to Haiti? Any size Christmas donation will help change lives! 

Click the pure charity link below to make a one-time or monthly online Christmas donation!  You may also mail donations to the following address: Disciples’ Village, PO Box 2101, Lexington, SC 29071


Christmas Giving Link




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