1. Graduation Ceremony for Jerry Jean
After a long delay due to unrest in Haiti, Jerry was finally able to have a much-deserved graduation ceremony! Jerry earned his degree in business administration, and we are proud to announce he has accepted a position with Disciples’ Village where he will be helping in several areas of the ministry. Jerry is now the Director of our boy’s transition house and will be working closely with Steve to help with communication and oversight of our schools and villages. We are so proud of Jerry’s accomplishment and blessed to have him on staff with DV.
2. Big Thank You to Ganaud and Rose
It’s with excitement and some sadness that we report Ganaud and Rose is no longer serving as house parents at Alex’s House. Ganaud has been called to do more speaking and training with his fellow Haitians. They informed us in June that they would be transitioning out at the end of the year. Ganaud and Rose have loved our Alex’s House kids as if they were their own. Ganaud has also served in the position of Field Director for Disciples’ Village. They have been a great blessing to us and we wish them well in their new adventure. With all the turmoil in Haiti and the fact that we can’t safely travel to Haiti currently, Ganaud has offered to continue to serve with Disciples’ Village until things stabilize in the country. Ganaud, Rose and their girls have moved into Steve’s house temporarily.
3. Welcome to Our New House Parents
We are excited to announce that Pastor William Pierre and his wife Fabiola have joined our Alex’s House family! They have accepted the position as house parents to the older boy’s cottage. William and Fabiola have two children of their own as well. Pastor William has worked as a teacher in two of our DV schools and he currently teaches 5th grade in the village of Dahl. Pastor William also serves as pastor of our Church at Fontana located next door to Alex’s House. The Church at Fontana is where our staff and kids attend weekly services. We are so thrilled to extend a warm welcome as they join the Alex’s House family!
4. Welcome to Our Newest DV Staff Member, Jonathan Elicier
Jonathan will be working in Santiago, Dominican Republic with the Davis Family! He arrived in the DR on January 13th and has already started serving the people of Santiago. Jonathan took the lead on our first Children’s Community Outreach, was able to share the gospel at another ministry, and was invited to a school to teach a physical education class! He was also able to bring his first sermon at IBRB Church, the same church he is living in! We are excited to see how God continues to glorify Himself through Jonathan.
Jonathan’s path crossed with Disciples Village in 2018. He came with Newberry College for a weeklong mission trip to Haiti. When he left, he knew that a seed was planted in his heart. He returned in 2021 for another weeklong mission trip and the Lord began to fully reveal what that seed meant during that week. A couple of days later, Jonathan reached out to our Founder, Bill Howard about joining the staff at DV because he knew God was calling him to serve on the mission field. Over the last 5 months, we have worked to get him ready to join our staff. We are so thankful God continues to send the right people at the right time to serve the needs of His Kingdom!
5. 2022 Opportunities to Serve in the Dominican Republic
The Davis family is making great strides settling into the DR as God continues to open doors of opportunity to serve! Jamey and Elizabeth are preparing to start hosting our first Disciples’ Village mission teams this summer! If you have not reached out to Jamey about scheduling your vision trip or mission trip, you’ll want to do that soon! You can reach Jamey directly at Jamey@disciplesvillage.org and you can view the available schedule on our website at the following link. We’d love to see you in the DR this summer!
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