Change The Lives Of Children In Haiti…
Become a Village School Sponsor!You can make a radical difference in the lives of poverty-stricken children in Haiti by becoming a Village School Sponsor with Disciples’ Village.

You’ll be providing food and education for the children in one of the six villages we serve. Your donation will help pay for school tuition, books, supplies and provide nutritious meals each school day for the children in your sponsored village.
Only 50 percent of Haitian children can afford to attend school; 80 percent fail to reach high school, and less than 5% graduate. The Haitian government provides no school funding. Without generous sponsors like you, parents living in poverty cannot afford to send their child to school.
Sponsoring a village school is a personal way to show God’s love to children in great need. It’s a powerful tool for helping break the cycle of poverty and providing Haitian children with resources they need to thrive.