Special Projects

Healthy Moms / Healthy Babies

Organized by Disciples' Village

The most vulnerable in Haiti are pregnant mothers and children under age 5. In Haiti, 1 out of every 14 children dies before age 5.  In Haiti, 1 in every 285 mothers dies in childbirth.  But it doesn't have to be that way. There are skilled Haitian medical facilities ready to provide prenatal care, delivery, even c-sections. And they can provide vital immunizations to the children as they grow. But expectant moms in most rural Haitian villages simply can't afford it. We can change this.  We partner with five villages in Haiti to identify pregnant moms in need and sponsor their medical care.

Together, we can reduce maternal and child mortality in five rural Haitian villages, save the lives of mothers and vulnerable infants, and touch the lives of 1000 people - 500 mothers and 500 children - with the gospel of Christ over the next ten years.

An investment of $600 ($50/month) includes:
  • All prenatal care and delivery in a healthcare facility
  • Maternal and newborn care education
  • Follow-up for five years with moms and babies to help with nutrition, clean water, vitamins, antiparasitic treatment, and surveillance for signs of acute illness
  • Employment for Haitian nurses and doctors
  • Support for the local Haitian economy

Please consider supporting 1 to 5 women with a gift of $600-3000.  We also need ongoing monthly supporters.

To learn more about Healthy Moms | Healthy Babies as a ministry of Disciples' Village, you can visit the DV website here.

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Days to Go

Sponsorship for the Village of Trouforban

Fundraiser set to receive funds by sponsors of multiple children in  the village of...

One-time donations:

$0 of $0 raised

Healthy Moms / Healthy Babies

The most vulnerable in Haiti are pregnant mothers and children under age 5. In...

One-time donations:

$0 of $27,985 raised

Renewing Hope

The United States government has recently created a program that allows Haitians...

One-time donations:

$13,884 of $120,000 raised

New Beginnings

Our Alex’s House Orphanage students and staff moved to Cap Haitien a few weeks ago. Their move...

One-time donations:

$20,074 of $120,000 raised

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