Alex's House Orphanage Sponsorship
It was October, 2009 when God spoke to Bill Howard and clearly said, "Go to Haiti and start an orphanage for homeless children."

Among those who lost their lives in the earthquake was our dear friend Alex Alincy. Among those who were left homeless were the dear children we are now raising to be champions for Jesus – the children of Alex’s House. Since then, many American sponsors have come together to support and raise these beautiful children. Your prayers and financial support have helped them grow and thrive during the early years of Alex’s House.

In 2018, the situation in Haiti began a downward spiral that has continued due to widespread gang violence and control. Three different times, our Alex’s House family has had to abandon their homes due to gang violence, each time having to find a new place to live. In October of 2024, in the midst of terrible gang violence, God miraculously provided our AH family a helicopter evacuation to Cap Haitien – the place they now call home. After having to leave all possessions behind, the generous support of past sponsors has allowed them to start a new life.

The students and staff of Alex’s House Orphanage have faced incredibly difficult and life-threatening situations. Multiple times they have faced realities unimaginable to those of us living safely in the United States. Yet through God’s grace and your love and support, they continue to persevere.

Those sweet little faces we wrapped our hearts around in 2010 are now growing into beautiful young men and women. Half of our “children” are either in or approaching their teenage years, while many of our older students are now in college and working toward a life of independence. Your generous support is essential for their growth and development. Your sponsorship provides nourishment for their bodies, a safe and loving home, a quality education, and most of all, an upbringing that points them to the love and goodness of our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ. Please consider supporting Alex’s House Orphanage by becoming a sponsor.