Bringing the young men and women of Alex’s House from Haiti to America
is unlike any opportunity we have had before.
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Contact Bill Howard or Steve Haddix at Disciples’ Village for any additional questions.
Meet the Students of Alex’s House Orphanage

Mickey Toussaint
Mickey Toussaint is 22 and in his last year of school. Mickey has a wonderful heart and loves to see others succeed. He also enjoys writing his own music. While in America, he would love to go to school for graphic design or to be a mechanic. Whatever he decides, he plans to use his education to help his family at DV and others in Haiti who are struggling.
Please prayerfully consider sponsoring Mickey at your home in America as he takes steps to prepare for his future.

Nadege Augustin
Nadege Augustin is 17 and in the 11th grade. You can find Nadege drawing in her sketchbook when she’s not in school. She would love to become a nurse and help people. Nadege believes the opportunities she will have in the U.S. to achieve her goals are so much greater than the limited ones she would have in Haiti.
Please prayerfully consider having Nadege stay at your home as a Host Family as she works for her dreams in the United States.

Pierre Sylver Gesner
Sylver Pierre Gesner, better known as Pierre, is 18 and a senior in high school. He is always busy as he has many jobs and hobbies. These include getting water distributed daily at Alex’s House, fulfilling his job as church secretary, and silk screen printing on T-shirts. He wants to come to America to escape the stress of living in Haiti and to attend school. He plans on returning to Haiti and using his education to help serve his country.
Please consider hosting Pierre in your home as he begins his journey in America.

Daica Dimanche
Daïcasseline Dimanche (known as Daica) is 19 years old and in her last year in school. She likes learning foreign languages, including French and English. As she enjoys loving and serving others, Daica hopes to study to become a nurse. Coming to America would give her a safe place to grow and expand as she starts her adult life.
Please take time to pray about the possibility of becoming a Host Family for Daïca.

Job Dieussaint
Dieussaint Job is 18, in the 11th grade, and is a devoted follower of Jesus. Job’s greatest desire is to follow God’s word. You can often find him fixing broken electrical items during his free time; he wants to have a career as an electrician. While Alex’s House has been Job’s home, he is ready to come to America – which he calls the world’s greatest country – to go to college and find opportunities for his future.
Please pray about being a Host Family for Job and helping his dreams come true.

Sterline Legagneur
Sterline Legagneur is 17 and is in the 11th grade. Sterline believes she has been invested in deeply at Alex’s House and would love to do the same by investing in other kids when she finishes school. While in the US, she plans to get a job, go to school, and try gymnastics. Sterline sees coming to America as the most certain opportunity to reach her goals.
Will you prayerfully consider helping Sterline achieve her goals by becoming her Host Family?

Carline Jeudi
Carline Jeudi is 19 years old and in 9th grade. You can often find Carline styling the other girls’ hair at Alex’s House. But her dream is to become a famous seamstress. By coming to America, she believes she will have a safe space to reach her goals that Haiti cannot provide.
Carline is in need of a Host Family; please prayerfully consider being that for her.

Louis Pierre Mompremier
Louis Pierre Mompremier, also known as LP, is 24 and sees coming to America as an opportunity to grow in character, knowledge, and skill. He would love to learn and bring that information back to Haiti after his stay in America. He dreams of becoming a dentist and possibly opening a hospital in Haiti someday. LP believes this opportunity to come to America is the catalyst to helping those dreams come true.
Be a big part of supporting LP’s dreams by becoming his Host Family.

Renel Joseph
Renel Joseph is 22 and considers Alex’s House his only home. During the week, you can often find him reading, playing soccer or leading a devotional for other students. He believes that coming to America will give him a safe opportunity to go to trade school.
Please consider hosting Renel in your home as he pursues his desire to become a mechanic.

Jenny Jean
Jenny Lourdes Jean is 21 and in her last year of school. Jenny enjoys serving in the kitchen at Alex’s House as she helps prepare dinner every night for the other students. She would love to become a pharmacist. At some point, she desires to run her own pharmacy to help the people of Haiti get the medicine they need.
Please consider supporting Jenny by being her Host Family as she comes to America.

Remy Joseph
Rémy Joseph is 24 years old and in his last year of high school. Rémy is very trustworthy as he leads Sunday School and counts the offering at church. He is also one of the kindest and most caring people you will ever meet. His hope is to become an accountant.
Would you consider being a Host Family for Rémy as he comes to America.

Wilken Cene
Junior Wilken Cene, better known as Wilkens, is 23 and in his final year of school. Wilkens dreams of becoming a dentist. He would also love to start an organization that helps homeless kids in Haiti, like Alex’s House has done for him. By coming to America, Wilken will have greater opportunities to follow his dreams.
Please pray about the potential of becoming a Host Family for Wilkens.
FAQ Section:
Why are students from Alex's House allowed to travel to the United States and live here for two years?
The United States government has recently created a program that allows Haitians to come to America on a 2-year work visa. Up to 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans per month can come to America to find jobs, go to school, and renew the hope they have lost in Haiti. This is a very unique opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.
The goal of Disciples’ Village has always been to raise the future leaders of Haiti. Why are we now encouraging some of our students to come and live in America?
Our plan has always been to help our kids reach for their hopes and dreams in Haiti. However, the country of Haiti is in deep despair. The government has all but disappeared, gangs have seized control, and schools and businesses have closed. Due to this, it seems nearly impossible for our students to accomplish these goals and dreams. Many of them have lost hope.
Despite the current situation in Haiti, we believe God has opened a doorway to help our students pursue their goals by allowing them to come to America. While here, our students can find jobs, attend school, and pursue their dreams. Most importantly, they can renew the hope they lost for a purposeful future in Haiti.
What are the responsibilities of the Host Family?
Responsibilities of the Host Family include providing a home, meals, and assisting with transportation. You must also commit to giving guidance as they move to a different country and culture by helping them make decisions concerning jobs, schooling, and their futures.
What is the income requirement required by the U.S. to host a student?
There is no specific requirement. Each Host Family is reviewed by the U.S. on a case-by-case situation as every circumstance is unique.
How can I help if I cannot host a student at this time?
You can be a great support in this area by being a Prayer and Financial supporter. Your financial support will not be given to a specific student but will be used by DV for expenses needed for all 12 students who want to come to America.
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What expenses are not expected to be paid by the Host Family?
Host Families are not expected to pay for medical insurance, doctor visits, travel to America, or clothes. The Host Family is also not expected to pay for education.
Could problems occur throughout the process that will prevent the students from being approved and moving to the U.S.?
Yes. The Haitian government is extremely unstable and hard to predict. While we have set procedures in America to get items such as I.D. cards and passports, Haiti does not.
Each participant must have a government-issued I.D. card, then after receiving these, will apply for a passport. They must have a valid passport before starting the immigration process. Getting a passport for each student will take time and may cause delays in the students getting to America.
There have also been lawsuits filed in the U.S., trying to overturn this legislation.
Can I host more than one student?
Yes, a Host Family can host more than one student. However, the US government will determine how many students you can house by looking at your financial information.
How long will the process take before the student moves to the U.S.?
Since the Haitian government handles the initial phases of this process – providing a government I.D. and a passport- it is difficult to estimate how long the process will take. Many Haitians have been approved for this program and are currently in the U.S. with their host family. All our students are in the process of getting government IDs and passports.
I am interested in hosting a student, but for less than two years. Is that a possibility?
One possibility would be splitting the responsibility of hosting a student between more than one family within the same area. If you are interested in this possibility, please let us know.
Can two or more host families sponsor a student together?
Yes, two or more host families living in the same city/area can sponsor a student together. However, one main host family would be listed in the paperwork, and the other family would be added.
Must the student live in my house if I commit to being a Host Family?
No. The student does not have to live at the same address or in the same state as the sponsor. However, we prefer that the student lives under your roof as they will need much help from you as they adjust to living in a new country. These students are not only in need of financial help but will also need your guidance as they adjust to living in America.
What happens for the student at the end of the two year period?
The student will return to Haiti at the end of the two-year period. However, if the student wants to remain in the U.S. longer than two years, DV staff will assist them in beginning the process needed to enable them to stay in America when their two-year period ends.
Can an organization, such as a church or community service group, be a sponsor?
Yes, one person would sign the documents required, but the student could spend time living in different homes within the same area. This is a great option when people are interested in hosting but do not believe they can commit to hosting for two years.
What happens to the support I provide for a student currently who lives at Alex’s House when they move to America?
All amounts paid for sponsorships of any of these twelve students will transfer with them from Haiti to the U.S.
Where can I learn more about this program?
In the very unlikely event that one of our AH children had legal issues while here, will I be held responsible for their actions?
No, you will not be held responsible. The student is held accountable for any decisions they make while living in America.

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